Swiss Bianco Newsletter
Issue 2008, vol. 1
I am back in Switzerland, hope you all had a good start in 2008.
The first SwissKeyTools in titanium and mosaic Damascus are finished and I now work on the 440c
run. I am also preparing the next splash alox run and my first book, detailed about the history of
issued Swiss Army Knives.
SwissKeyTool (SKT)
My SwissKeyTool is a small but useful tool, designed for compactness and utility and featuring:
- Size: 22 x 70mm
- Pointed 40mm blade
- Flat screwdriver
- Bottle opener
- Cord cutter
- Pry bar end
- Kydex sheath, black or clear (see through), for safe carrying.
- +B logo cutout, which makes it not only lighter, but also safer to hold
Because SKT does not look like a knife, I have openly carried it on a neck cord in USA. Many people have guessed what it is.
The first run is only a few pieces. The mosaic Damascus is made by Robert Eggerling and features a BubbaDeepEtch surface.
These are handmade/ground with no CNC used, that will come with the next run.
Prices for these "first run" pieces are:
- Titanium FireFlame finish: $130
- Titanium bead blasted: $120
- Mosaic Damascus "Waves": $150
- Mosaic Damascus "Squares": $160
For a larger image of Titanium FireFlame by clicking Here.

SKT Family (left to right): Mosaic Damascus "Waves",
Mosaic Damascus "Squares", Titanium FireFlame, 440C Stainless
(currently not available), and Titanium bead blasted
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SKT in Black Kydex on my key ring
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Mosaic Damascus "Squares" (top,
$160) and "Waves" (bottom, $150)
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Titanium bead blasted (top,
$120)and FireFlame finish (bottom, $130)
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+B Yeoman Mechanic

Yeoman Mechanic: $60
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I have finished the first 11 pieces of a 20-piece run . They feature:
- Brand new Victorinox parts from the factory
- Custom assembled into an upgraded Yeoman
- Pliers layer
- Red translucent scales
Pic says it all, the +B Yeoman Mechanic is a useful SAK, with not to many layers, for easy EDC.
Price is $60.
Pictures below show the assembly process, it is not an easy task!
Gold Anodised Alox Special Edition SAK

Gold Anodised Pioneer Harvester ($60)
I have recently found 5 different variants of the Gold Anodised Alox SAKs. They are
available only in Switzerland and
feature the old Swiss cross logo and a big engraving plate. They are new in a box, and have various tools,
as described below.
Available models and their prices are:
- Gold Anodised Pioneer Pruner (large blade and pruner blade):
- Gold Anodised Pioneer Apprentice (large blade and electrician blade):
- Gold Anodised Woodsman (large blade and wood saw):
- Gold Anodised Pioneer Rancher (large blade, pruner blade, awl, and screwdriver/bottle opener):
- Gold Anodised Pioneer Harvester (large blade, pruner blade, awl, screwdriver/bottle opener, and wood saw): $60
Please note that these are not the gold-plated SAKs that I mentioned on my forums.
I will be working on gold plating next time I am in the US.
+B Splash Alox preorder open, short time only
As my first try was turning out nice and Mr. Elsener gave his OK, I will very soon splash the next run of 3
different sizes: the Classic, Alox Lumberjack and the Farmer.
It is possible to make the same splash pattern on a set of all 3 sizes, plus there will be some more
aluminum things splashed in this and the next run, including:
- Timberline Envoy folder
- Outdoor Edge Magma
- Caran d'Ache Swiss pen
- Wagner Swiss wallet
- Fenix flashlights
- Xikar cigarcutter
- Swissbianco keyfobs

Example of Silver splash on Black base
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As the possible colors/patterns/designs are endless, I had to select something for now (
I will do something different in the next run). Here are the colours I will be doing in this run:
Base Colours (most colour on the surface)
Splash Colours (the veins or clouds pattern)
Silver (natural)
Silver (natural)
Using these colours, it is possible to make the following:
- Single color all over the aluminum, in any one of the basis colours.
- Any of the base colors with the pattern (veins or clouds), in any of the splash colours.
- Up to 4 splash colors on Orange base color.
Price for single splash color on the base color is $55
for a Farmer, $32 for a Classic and $47 for an Alox
Lumberjack. Please ask for prices for the other possible
Please note that these are the standard "satin" (not anodised) scales, as they come from Victorinox.
I offer high-polished scales (aluminum is polished prior to splashing) as an upgrade ($14). It would be possible to make a high polished all over black SAK.
As these scales are not anodised, but brand new from Victorinox, it is possible to drill and tap them prior to the
anodising, so that the threads are hard anodised. This is possible on the Farmer size only, and it will still have
the split ring attachment. The price for this upgrade, including stainless steel standard pocket clip, is $12.
For now there is no matt/camo patterns, but I am working on it.
+B Independence Knife Preorder
To celebrate the US +B headquarters, Steve Macke and I will offer a special "Independence" knife with the following features:
- Based on Victorinox Farmer SAK.
- High-polished aluminum scales, splash anodised in the 3 US flag colors.
- High-polished stainless steel pocket clip.
- Laser-engraved blade with serial number, etc.
This knife will be a limited edition and exhibited at the coming Blade Show. Price is $65.
Dealers Carrying +BIANCO Products
While I continue to sell most of my work direct, a limited selection of +B products is available through the following dealers:
Tim "Feline Vet" Meeker (http://felinevet.sosakonline.com/)
YouWantIt2.com (http://youwantit2.com/SWISSBIANCO.html)
In Germany:
fehlschaerfe.de (http://fehlschaerfe.de)
What's Coming Next
In the near future I hope to get the US green card, which will make my work way easier, since there will be
no Swiss bureaucracy banning anything.
The new Swiss Army SAK trial info will be out soon,
and some more designs are on their way.
On the IWA dealer-only show I will promote my
collaboration efforts with Timberline in their booth.
Wenger Swiss Army knife will bring out a limited edition of
newly made replicas of 1893 SAK,
which was the first SAK they made for the Swiss Army.
Anyone interested in those limited run should contact me as we get them here in swiss first.
As always, for the latest news, please visit Swiss Bianco forums: On KnifeForums and
On Messerforum (in German).
Ordering Information |
Before paying, please make sure that:
- You ask me first if the limited goods are still available.
- You confirm with me the shipping price for your order.
All prices in the newsletter do not include shipping, unless noted otherwise.
I accept payments through my PayPal account: swissbiancousa _at_ hotmail.com
When paying, please include the following information in PayPal message:
- Your correct shipping address.
- The list of goods you are ordering.
Many thanks, i try to make the most out of this new year!
+BIANCO - New Swiss Knives
Roger Remund
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